Thursday 27 October 2011

Joined Weight Watchers

Yup, I sure did. I joined Weight Watchers with Jordan and I am doing pretty well. Was very shocked when I first stood on the scales. I weighed in at 95.8kg eeeep. That works out as about 15stone I nearly fainted, could not believe that I let myself go that badly. However, I can't complain now as I am taking steps to fix this and it is good to have a friend doing it too. We can support each other.

Gotta say I am loving the Propoints idea. I can actually eat fruit and veg and not worry about how many points it is unlike the old weight watchers. So far I have lost 1.5kg. It's not as much as I would like but at least it is weight off. My goal is about 65kg-70kg that's about 10stone. If I get too far below 10st, I will look emaciated and that is not my plan, so I have given friends permission to drag me kicking and screaming to hospital/hungry jacks to fatten me back up a little. Apparently my healthy weight range is between 56kg and 70kg. 56kg is most definitely NOT my goal.

I am being realistic about my weight loss and about the amount of working out I can do. Although, big news, joy of joys I can jump again. Woohoo!

I am going to try and keep this updated a bit more often on my weight loss journey even though I also have access to the Weight Watchers e-tools which I believe has a blog, but I think I will just use the etools to help me track and plan meals.

Incidentally, I think I will log here about how I am feeling too.

For instance, this week I only lost 200g (I can't be bothered converting back to stones and lbs now although I will still use inches for my measurements) which I was really disappointed with. Jordan and I had been so diligent with our propoints and used all the advice we had been given, worked out like crazies and both only lost 200g. WTH? Straight after the meeting, due to disappointment I really really had the urge to go into KFC and get a mega bucket of chicken just for me. I didn't however. Instead I treated myself and Jordan to a coffee. We were originally going to get a full cream one each but both ended up with a skinny one instead and both managed to avoid real sugar and instead had sweetener. All up the coffee only ended up being 4propoints.

Also both discovered this week that because we have both lost a little weight we actually both dropped in propoints allowance. Instead of 34 I am now on 32, so perhaps this week will be far more successful :)

Anyhoo, that's all for just now.

That's enough of that
Vicky x