Monday 30 January 2012

Thinking....I'm Thinking!

Actually I am not really thinking too much, I am more just considering starting another blog (yay more dust)! This blog probably wouldn't be on here and it would most definitely contain genuine rants, bad language and well it would be my darker side that I don't really let many other people be privvy to. Maybe some of my fet friends but who knows.

As for weight loss I am a bit over weight watchers more to the point I am starting to get impatient. I want the weight to come off and I know it will if I just stick with it but just meh.

And that's enough of that.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Some progress

I am back down to 91.2kg and I am hoping that this week at weigh in I will have lost that. If I have that means I am at my 5% goal and that would be awesome.

I am actually quite impressed with myself. Over the xmas period I only put on 200g and then last week I lost that 200g. Hopefully tomorrow is the same or better. 300g would be nice cos then I would have broken the 91 mark completely. I have been really active this week too and haven't eaten too much crap. Haven't touched the written tracker but have been tracking online and using the weight watchers facebook page for inspiration. So I am feeling pretty positive about tomorrow's weigh in.

As for other things, I have gotten addicted to editing pictures using and am also addicted to Ponies now. Keep using this great little app to create a bunch of them. Have set myself a little project actually. Every pony I create through the app, I am going to attempt to draw freehand too. It's nice to have reference pictures.

Last time I wore this outfit I was larger and I am actually starting to see my waist again. I am also noticing that I am slowly getting my confidence back. This is not an easy journey but this time I am not going to give up. I will beat this!

I don't care what people say, I am doing this for me. I am also trying to stop being so concerned with what people actually think about me, because quite frankly it's exhausting having to wear a separate mask for everyone I am around. Don't like me that's your problem.

Now that this here blog is up to date, I am going to sign off the internet and go get the second pony picture I drew, bring it into the game room and sit at Garth's feet and colour in, cos I am mature like that.

And that's enough of that.