Monday 20 June 2011

Me at the moment.

Probably my least favourite pictures of me. I know most of this weight has come from having the broken foot and that is why I am so desperate to change it. Must get rid of the muffin top. I do like things about myself, I won't deny that. For example in the top picture, I love my boobs in that bra and I love that I suit the ears. In the bottom pic I love that I am indulging my caffeine addiction and how red my hair is. In both of these pics though all I can really see is tummy and thighs. I am sure some of you would disagree, but fear not, I am not aiming to be a rake. I want to be a slightly more toned hour glass that is all and I am doing this for me. As I said in the first post I am only aiming to lose 12.7kg that really isn't a lot. It's 2 stone for my UK friends.

Anyway, that's enough of that
Vicky xx

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